What do we mean by a social change agency?

Social change is very important to us. We focus on behaviour change communication (BCC), a strategic and integrated communication process involving a mix of advocacy and social mobilisation to influence and sustain changes in social norms, attitudes, values, knowledge, and behaviours across different levels of society, such as the individual, household, community, and national levels.

The key to this approach is looking at how individuals change the way they act. We use the Knowledge Attitude and Practices (KAP) framework, which is the idea that in order for people to change their behaviour, they must acquire knowledge, generate or change their attitudes or beliefs, and then form new practices or behaviours.

While technical expertise is in strategic communications, and we do not have any technical specialisation in the areas where we work, we have a strong network of technical experts and CSO partners who do.

The Result :

We take your message and make engaging, relevant communications that resonates with your target audience and elicits social change.

Why do we use Influencers?

We work with influencers to deliver vital messages to the Myanmar public because they are more likely to accept influencers' views and change their minds and behaviours on social issues. This is because these influencers are widely respected and followed by a large part of the Myanmar public and can thus reach these people more easily than conventional marketing campaigns.


Taken from: “Communicating for the Future: Briefing Papers, Search for Common Ground,” November 2019. [in Myanmar] Television personalities and celebrities are by far the most trusted source of important information,” and their insight is relied upon significantly more than that of religious, political, or community leaders. When asked to indicate three sources that you trust the most to learn important information, the top three responses are TV personalities, posts from my favourite Facebook pages, and community-based organisations at 25%, 14%, and 9%, respectively. By contrast, political leaders of my state or region, international media, and national-level political leaders were listed at 4%, 3%, and 3%, respectively.

Why do we work in Ethnic Languages?

Myanmar Map 1
Myanmar Map 2

"Speak to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. Speak to him in his own language, that goes to his heart."

Nelson Mandela

Given that a key aspect of mental health counselling is the expression of one’s feelings, it is best provided in an individual’s mother tongue. While Burmese is spoken widely across the country, for many it is a secondary language, and therefore, wherever possible, we will try to communicate in the language that individuals feel most comfortable with.

Sin Sar Bar has experience working in different languages and dialects, and we have a wide network of local language networks that, where possible, can help identify community leaders who speak other ethnic languages and dialects and also assist with the translation of creative resources.

Our Services

Communication Services

  • Event Management
  • Translation
  • Public Relations
  • Talent Recruitment
  • Press Management

Creative Services

  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Song Writing
  • Dance Choreography
  • Poetry Compositions
  • Press Videography
  • Photography
  • Animation

The Result:

In terms of getting your message out there, we offer a number of potential outputs. We can advise which channels would be best focused, depending on our target audience, your message, and your budget to curate highly specialised and focused content. Below are just some of the outputs we have created in the past:

  • Song
  • Music video
  • Informative video
  • Animation
  • Facebook live video
  • Press Event
  • Press release
  • Public Event
  • Radio interviews
  • TV interviews